Elementary School
Begin Your Journey
St. Mary's Elementary School uses age-appropriate curriculum and manipulatives to engage young children in learning and play allowing for the growth and development of the whole child.
This innovative education program builds a base for all future learning. It gives children the right start and greatly heightens their opportunities to succeed throughout their educational career.
Elementary School
Pre-Kindergarten 4
Grade 1
In First Grade English Language Arts, students will demonstrate continuous progress in beginning reading and writing skills using knowledge, experience, the structure of language, phonics, grammar, and spelling. They will write age appropriate pieces and demonstrate a greater proficiency in speaking, listening, and comprehension skills.
In First Grade Math, students will learn basic computation skills (addition and subtraction) using single and double digit numbers. As they explore and learn the grade level math concepts (numeration, whole numbers, patterns, fractions, measurement, geometry, statistics, data collection, graphs, algebra), they will use logic, analyze, gather, compare and interpret data, use reasoning, and make connections that help them to solve problems and use their mathematical skills across the curriculum. They will have the opportunity to work hands on within every aspect of the curriculum.
In First Grade Religion, students will grow in the knowledge and love for God our creator. They will understand that Jesus, His Son, is the source and guide of our faith. Through scripture and the Church, instituted by Christ, we are a faith community that lives the way Jesus taught us to on a daily basis.
In First Grade Science, students will learn the science curriculum in thematic units. At this age level, the students have more fluency with language, number sense, and inquiry skills. This allows them to describe patterns, observe different things through experiences, and investigate materials. They will study Life Science, Earth Science, and Human Science through hands on activities, labs, and projects.
In First Grade Social Studies, students will explore their world through family, school, community, state, and nation. They come to see the richness in the diversity and the interdependence that exists in all God created. As they learn to be good citizens, they learn that they have not only rights, but also responsibilities.
Grade 2
In Second Grade English Language Arts, the main goal is for the students to show their growth as young readers and writers. Through guided reading, spelling, phonics, and writing lessons, the students will gain the skills necessary to accomplish this goal.
In Second Grade Math, students will develop sound mathematical skills they can build upon. They will learn to recall addition and subtraction facts from memory. They should understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, and be able to predict the relative size of solutions for both addition and subtraction; in other words, they should understand that adding two whole numbers will result in a number larger than either of the two original numbers. Students should be able to add and subtract two-digit numbers with or without regrouping.
In Second Grade Religion, students will grow as strong, faith-filled individuals. They will achieve a respect and understanding of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They will gain the understanding that God shares his love through creation, Eucharist, redemption, and guidance. Students will prepare for and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the First Eucharist.
In Second Grade Science, students will demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry, including the skills, processes, and tools necessary to conduct a simple scientific investigation. In Life Science, students will show knowledge of the needs and characteristics of animals and the way they interact with their own distinct environments. In the Weather unit, students will understand different weather elements and how weather can be observed and measured using tools. From the Magnets unit, students will learn about the force and motion through the properties of magnetism.
In Second Grade Social Studies, students will study the lives of actual people who make a difference in their everyday lives and learn the stories of extraordinary people from history and religion whose achievements have touched them, directly or indirectly. The study of contemporary people who supply goods and services aids in understanding the complex interdependence in our free market system.
Grade 3
In Third Grade English Language Arts, students will demonstrate the ability to read and write at the appropriate level using knowledge, experience, proper grammar, and phonics. They will write age appropriate pieces and accelerate their speaking and listening skills.
In Third Grade Math, students will move from a concrete to an abstract understanding of mathematical concepts. They will master addition and subtraction, including computations using 4-digit numbers. They will learn grade level math concepts while emphasizing both multiplication and division concepts and facts. They will learn the essential tools and concepts that will help them to solve problems and allow them to use their mathematical skills across the curriculum.
In Third Grade Religion, students will progress in their understanding and love of God. They will understand and appreciating the history, character, and future of our Church community. They will also learn how Jesus, God’s Son, is the source and guide of our Faith. They will demonstrate the ability to live in their community, the way Jesus taught us to, on a daily basis.
In Third Grade Science, students are taught thematic units. These units include: Earth Science, the Solar System, The Human Person, and Physics. The purpose of these units is to create a well-rounded foundation of scientific knowledge that the students can carry with them as they move forward.
In Third Grade Social Studies, students will explore the entire world: community, state, nation, countries and continents. They will learn basic facts of how our nation was created, and of prominent persons of our early nation.
Grade 4
In Fourth Grade Language Arts, students will continue to reinforce skills and strategies in comprehension, writing, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, proper grammar usage, and mechanics. In addition, reading across the curriculum ensures that the concepts learned are used and practiced in all areas of study. A book club approach is used with trade books and allows for deeper examination of skills including character traits, setting, author’s purpose, genre, conflict, resolution, and making inferences/higher level thinking skills.
In Fourth Grade Mathematics, students will develop an understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication and long division. They will also develop an understanding of fractions, including equivalency, addition and subtraction, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers. Students will be introduced to geometric figures and their properties, such as parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry.
In Fourth Grade Religion, students will focus on learning the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus in order to live a life of love and happiness. Students will look to Jesus as a model of holiness and prayer, strengthening their understanding of what it means to develop a good conscience, and how doing so allows us to make choices that show our love for God, ourselves, and for others. Students are also encouraged to participate actively in the life and mission of the church by practicing ways to cooperate with those who lead the Church and to participate more fully as a member of the Church.
In Fourth Grade Science, students will focus on three areas of study. In Life Science, students develop an understanding of living things through classification, the cycles of life, and adaptations for survival. In Earth Science, students understand erosion and deposition through the study of the rock cycle and the changes to the Earth’s surface. In Physical Science, students focus on matter and its properties, forces and motion, simple machines, sound, light and heat, and electricity.
In Fourth Grade Social Studies, students will study the geography of the United States through examination of the five regions of the country. Beginning in the Northeast, students will follow explorers, historical events, and the economic opportunities that helped to shape the entire country. Civic responsibility of Americans, as citizens, is outlined through study of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the functions and responsibilities of the three branches of government.
Grade 5
In Fifth Grade English Language Arts, students will be able to recognize proper mechanics and grammar, including sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization, parts of speech, and quotation usage. Through reading of all genres, students will be able to draw conclusions, generate questions, clarify ideas and make judgements, identify author’s purpose, and summarize by restating facts and details. Vocabulary study will incorporate knowledge of roots, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms and antonyms, homographs and homophones, as well as strategies to use context clues to determine word meanings. Students will incorporate the above skills into their writing process, resulting in end products that are well researched, grammatically correct, and well edited. Students will also be able to present information orally, accurately reporting on a topic while speaking both clearly and audibly.
In Fifth Grade Math, students will be able to identify place value, compare and order numbers, round numbers, and identify prime and composite numbers. Students will advance their basic computation skills, including addition and subtraction with four or more digits, multiplication with three digit multipliers, and double digit division with or without remainders. Students will also be able to apply the above to both fractions and decimals. In Geometry, students will be able to identify solid figures, congruent and similar figures, the parts of a circle, and be able to use a ruler and protractor correctly. Measurement topics to be mastered include elapsed time, temperature, and familiarity with customary units of measurement, including inches, feet, yards, miles, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.
In Fifth Grade Religion, students will come to know and love God. Through the study of the Seven Sacraments, students will expand their relationship with God and grow as members of the Body of Christ. Students will learn to protect, love, and forgive as God does, allowing them to grow to their full potential as Catholics so as to be able to give back to both their Church and community.
In Fifth Grade Science, students will learn various aspects of Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. In Life Science, students learn about cells, classifying living things, plant and animal growth, and interactions among living things and their ecosystems. In Earth Science, students learn about Earth and the key cycles of it. In Physical Science, students learn about the properties of matter, as well as about energy, electricity, sound, light, forces, and motion.
In Fifth Grade Social Studies, students will learn about history of the New World from its early civilizations through the Revolutionary War. The early civilizations of the New World include those that existed in South and Central America and the Native American tribes of North America. Students will learn of the European explorers, their accomplishments, and early settlements in North America. Through study of the English colonies, students are exposed to the political, economic, and social development in the U.S. during the 17th and 18th centuries. Students also study the early development of democratic institutions and ideas, including the events that led to the independence of the original thirteen colonies and the formation of our nation under the U.S. Constitution.
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Click here for information on the St. Mary's Extended Day program for the Elementary School..