If your student is going to be absent from school, please call the attendance line at 781-595-7885 and press 2 or email attendance@stmaryslynn.com.
Daily Update
St. Mary's students are required to have their own personal laptop. Learn more about our Digital Citizenship here.
Required device standards:
-Laptop may be a MAC or a PC
-Laptop must have 8 GB of RAM
-Laptop must have 128 GB of storage
Student Laptop Orientation
All new students must attend a student laptop orientation to review access to student email, student portal and Google Classroom. Sessions will be held on August 14 and 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sessions will begin every 30 minutes. No sign ups are necessary, Please come with your username and password (provided above) snd your laptop. Parent/guardians are welcome to attend with their student.
If you have any questions regarding laptops, please contact Artie Gribbins.